Lopott gondolat

 2011.12.06. 22:28

Hasn't it ever happened to you
that all of a sudden
and for no reason at all
you haven't the faintest idea
how to spell the word...
"which" or "house"...
because when you write it down
you just can't remember ever
having seen those letters
in that order before?

To put it another way,
if we came from down there,
and it's morning, the sun
would be up there...
but if is actually, over there,
and it's still morning,
we must have come from back
there and if that is southerly,
and the sun is really over there...
then it's the afternoon.


A man talking sense to himseIf...
is no madder than a man talking
nonsense not to himseIf.
Or just as mad.


Stuffed in a box like that, I mean,
you'd be in there for ever.
Even taking into account the fact
that you're dead, it isn't
a pleasant thought.
Especially if you're dead,
ask yourseIf,
if I asked you straight off...
I'm going to stuff you in this box
now, would you rather
be alive or dead.

Whatever became of the moment
when one first knew about death?
There must have been one,
a moment, in childhood,
when it first occurred to you that
you don't go on forever.
It must have been shattering
stamped into one's memory.
And yet I can't remember it.
It never occurred to me at all.
We must be born with
an intuition of mortality.

There must have been
a moment at the beginning,
where we couId have said no.
But somehow we missed it.
Well, we'll now better next time.

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